Sugar rush woodland hills reviews
Sugar rush woodland hills reviews

sugar rush woodland hills reviews

Being a former cart pusher, I know this kind of stress all too well. These were stressful days, especially in the heat or muggy weather. Usually, its the busy days that distract me from my normal routine and requires me to push certain tasks down the list for others. Complete tasks given to me by managers when necessary.


Go on water and ice runs when necessary(a lot of departments in the store had an ice chest full of ice and bottles of water for associates). Bring pallets and plant racks to back of store when there is a time to do so. Find empty pallets and stack them neatly. tend to the plants if some else hasn't done so. tend to dirt, mulch, stone, brick and sand. moreĮveryday was different, depending if the store was busy or not. I told her I was there for the interview she set up, thinking that would finally do it but, she just continued looking. It didn't help, with her looking all the more confused as she asked me how she could help me. I was contemplating leaving when, at 26 mins after our scheduled time, she showed up, only to approach me and ask me my name. Can someone explain to me how anyone could hold the position of hiring when they have no way to be reached, except to call the store & hope they happen to be there!) Then, once I finally did reach her and she set up the interview, telling me to go to Customer Service that day and have them page her, I was made to wait over 25 mins, all the while, being told by CS that they thought she had left for lunch and wouldn't be back for another hour. From the very first contact I received from them, it has been such a nightmare! Just trying to reach the person in charge of hiring (who left me the message) was almost impossible (which she informed me at my interview she does not have a special ext # or other contact # or, a way to leave her a message, nor did she ever display her schedule so one could at least know when she'd be at the store.

sugar rush woodland hills reviews

I am 57 years old and, I can tell you, getting a part-time job at Walmart has been the most stressful and down right confusing experience of my life! I applied at the Raymore/Belton Walmart (amongst other places) in October, hoping for just a part-time job to go with my full time job, to make a little extra money. But in all actuality, the worst customer of all could theoretically walk into any establishment on the planet, and contribute a "bad rep" to the companies face and name. A lot of people like to knock a company just because the people that shop there are not up to par, so to speak. You will deal with great customers, and you will deal with the unruly ones as well. Additionally, the consumers in your specific area will also play a huge rule in the type of environment you will be working in, as this is a retail/customer service based employment. This can effect your quality of living so to speak while at your job. Now with all entry level jobs, you can only assume, and for good reason, that you will be working with others, and for others, that may not share the same high values and work ethics that you may share in regards to to working for any given company. Because Wal-Mart is so large, they are able to offer employment to a large amount of the communities they are built into, which is a plus.

sugar rush woodland hills reviews

A corporate run company, offering entry level jobs for people of all backgrounds.

sugar rush woodland hills reviews

I must say that, this place is what it is. Once, as a regular night time associate, and the other as a department manager on day shift. I have worked at Wal-Mart on two seperate occasions, totaling 5 years with the company. Wal-Mart is one of those companies that will get beat on day in and day out by previous employees who have worked there.

Sugar rush woodland hills reviews