However, when they stopped to camp, Gabriel dreamed that he stabbed Claudia in the night, only to wake and discover her dead body, indicating that it was not a dream. His first great test came when he met Claudia, an innocent young psychic and her enchanted guardian, the Black Knight Golem, who briefly aided him in his journey. Both Pan and Zobek desired an end to their tyrannical rule, but for very different reasons. Next, he met a supposed comrade of the order, Zobek, who instructed Gabriel to destroy the Lords of Shadow, the rulers of the demonic forces now driving mankind into extinction. He met an old god, Pan, who allowed him to communicate with Marie who, throughout his journey, aided Gabriel in times of peril. Taking up the weapon forged by Rinaldo Gandolfi for him, the first and greatest Combat Cross that would later be known as the Vampire Killer and an amulet connected to the old gods, Gabriel begins his journey. After receiving a message from the three founders of their order in heaven, the Brotherhood sent Gabriel to contact the dead and ask Marie if she knew of any means to save the world. Sometime after Marie's death, the heavens were cut off from the earthly plane, thus leading the people to believe that God had abandoned them. While Gabriel was on this mission for the Brotherhood, Marie gave birth to his son named Trevor, but knowing of Gabriel's eventual descent into darkness, decided to leave the child in the hands of the Brotherhood and to hide the birth from Gabriel. Injured by the beast, he used his blood and a magical device to lock it away.

In 1046, Gabriel was sent by the order to capture a dangerous creature called the Daemon Lord. Gabriel took the surname of Belmont, after his love of mountains and the high places of the World. One idyllic morning, with the blessing of both her family and the Brotherhood, the couple was married. The two youngsters were made for one another they grew together and soon started to make promises of their future, promises that were always kept. However, he was also prone to dark moods and moments of brooding that only his beloved childhood sweetheart, Marie, could pacify. The precocious child quickly proved to be extremely talented, developing a mastery of the fighting arts unprecedented in the Brotherhood. The order gave the nameless boy the Christian name of one of the blessed archangels, Gabriel, and raised him as one of its own members. It is not known who his original parents were though some suspected he was an unwanted bastard from a local wealthy landowner, most likely the Cronqvist family, though this has never been proven.

Some years ago, a child was found on the door of one of the Brotherhood of Light convents. Story See also: Lords of Shadow Timeline Early life 4.2 As Dracula ( Mirror of Fate, Lords of Shadow 2).4.1 As Gabriel Belmont ( Lords of Shadow).1.6 Prologue of Lords of Shadow 2 and Revelations DLC.Like the board game original, MaxIt is a fun little game perfect for a few minutes of coffee break. You can also play against a friend if you want. While it doesn't look like much graphically (not that this board game needs good graphics, mind you), it offers excellent AI. This DOS version is a fun, no-frills implementation of the board game. The player with higher score wins the game. Play continues in this fashion until there is no valid move available (due to an empty row or column). One player can only select a number from the same horizontal row that the marker is currently on, while the other player can only select a number from the same vertical column. the computer in this version) take turns moving a marker on the board to various numbers on the game board these numbers are added to the cumulative score of the player who moved the marker that turn (negative numbers lower the score, of course). This turn-based board game plays on an 8x8 grid as follows: each cell on the board contains a number which can be either positive or negative. MaxIt is a nicely coded DOS version of a fun two-player board game of the same name. The game ends when no more moves are possible, and the player with more points wins. The board contains both negative and positive point values, so ideally you want to take a high, positive point value and force your opponent to take a negative value. The first player is only able to move the marker horizontally, and the second player can only move the marker vertically. The object of the game is to earn as many points as possible by moving a marker to a non empty space to collect how ever many points are in that space. In the game, there is an 8x8 board Each space in the board contains a point value. Maxit is a strategy game for two players or one player against the computer.