The ability to use subtotals depends on the database dialect your Looker connection is using. See the Collapse Subtotal section for more information. Subtotals can be collapsed or expanded in the table visualization. When you sort by multiple columns, subtotal columns are given precedence. The leftmost subtotal is always sorted.Sorting occurs within each subtotal category independently.If your data table row limit cuts off your data table partway through a subtotal category, the entire category will be hidden from the table visualization.

Subtotals are not available when you filter on a measure.For example, if you have two User Count subtotals of 30,500 and 24,312 and you have a table calculation such as mean($), the table calculation will return 27,406 for both subtotal rows because it is performing the calculation (30500 + 24312)/2. This is because table calculations calculate subtotals using the other subtotal values, not using the values in the data column.

Subtotals of table calculations that perform aggregations, such as calculations using percentile or mean, might not add up as you expect.Looker calculates column totals in the same way. In those cases, Looker counts each item once rather than counting every duplicate appearance. Subtotals that count unique items might not add up as you expect if the same item appears in several categories.There are some things to keep in mind about how subtotals work: To change the dimensions that are subtotaled, reorder the positions of the dimensions in your data table. Subtotals are calculated for all dimensions other than the rightmost dimension. Subtotals appear only in the table visualization. Select the Subtotals checkbox and press Run. The option to add subtotals to your table visualization appears on the Data bar when your data table contains at least two dimensions. Several options on the Data bar can affect both your visualization and the data table. Users will also be unable to double-click the cells in the table to select text manually. Note: If your Looker admin has enabled the Accessible Data Table Visualizations Labs feature, the row number column will not be pinned to the left side of a table chart.

Options listed below may be grayed out or hidden when incompatible with the composition of your table or if they conflict with other settings you have chosen. To edit your table visualization, click the gear in the upper right corner of the Visualization bar. To fit the table to the text, click AutoFit > select 'AutoFit Window.' To keep Word from automatically adjusting your column size, click AutoFit > select 'Fixed Column Width. To use a table chart, run your query and click the table icon on the Visualization bar. Table charts support up to 5,000 rows and up to 200 pivoted columns.